Tag Archives: warhol

Dead Presidents For Dead Man’s Art

A reporter once asked Andy Warhol his opinion about art. The pop icon answered without hesitation. “It’s a nice name for a man.” Warhol has been dead for years, yet his paintings made up 17% of auction sales of contemporary art in 2010. Millions upon millions for his foundation and friends. Proving that while you […]

Knock-off Art in Bangkok

Keith Haring lived in the East Village. He hung around with my girlfriend, Ann M. I saw him at various art galleries around the world. His paintings on dog boys on their knees found a niche in the market. He made millions and left it all to his friends and foundation. Keith was a good […]

Somewhere Over Colorado

In the WIZARD OF OZ Dorothy returns to Kansas via the wizard’s balloon. Billions of people have seen the movie, yet few know her last name was Gale. The same went for a young boy in Colorado who was feared to have been airborne in a high-flying balloon launched by his father. The police scrambled […]