Tag Archives: viagra

Everyday Spam

From 2009 Everyday spam promoting the use of various male-oriented products floods my email inbox. Increase your sperm load. Grow 3-4 inches of penis instantly. Viagra for renewed sexual vitality. Having lived in Pattaya throughout the 90s and 00s I understand their targeting a man in his 50s surrounded by go-go bars, bars, and promenades […]


Before 9/11 I was madly in enamoured with a blonde model from the UK. Judith was smart, funny, and liked her drink. We seemed doomed to be friends, then one wintry evening we drank ourselves past the portals of inhibition. Judith invited me back to her apartment. We made out on her sofa. This wasn’t […]

MENAGE A TROIS A LA THAI by Peter Nolan Smith

Western press continually brattles on how Muslim suicide bombers are rewarded for their ultimate sacrifice with seventy-seven virgins, even though virgins are not renown for their sexual prowess and this generous gift for their ultimate sacrifice has seemed more a curse to me, then again most western men fantasize about a dirty weekend in a […]

Everyday Spam

Everyday my email inbox is flooded by spam promoting the use of various male-oriented products. Increase your sperm load. Grow 3-4 inches of penis instantly. Viagra for renewed sexual vitality. Having live in Pattaya I can understand their targeting a man in his 50s surrounded by go-go bars, bars, and promenades of promiscuity. He wants […]

The Art of War chez la Pentagon

During the Viet-Nam war some bright minds decided to inject elephants with flatulence medicine in hopes of flushing the VC out of the jungle with the pachyderms’ farts. The strategy failed to take into consideration windage and several grunt mahouts were hospitalized with severe methane poisoning ala JACKASS 2. The Pentagon attracted more schemers than […]