Tag Archives: Times Square

Times Square Redux

Since the onset of Covid in March 2020 New York had been cut off from the rest of the world and also the USA. Americans were scared by the reports of crime and foreigners were banned from flying to JFK, however in the last months the restrictions have been downgraded to allow vaccinated international travelers […]

GASLIGHT PINBALL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pinball was banned as a game of chance in New York City throughout most of the 20th Century. In 1976 a pinball wizard proved the contrary to a courtroom by calling out his shots to the amazed judges. The ace later acknowledged that his called shot was pure luck, however pinball machines once more populated […]

MAYBE TOMORROW – A novel – Chapter 1

The November sun set behind the Jersey Palisades and flashed a feeble ray off a West Village window. The wavering reflection stalked the Christopher Street pier to a lone youth tuning a battered guitar. The blonde twenty year-old appeared unaware of the approaching glow, then he broke into a smile shy of surprise, as the […]

Meeting Sharon 1978 – The Nursery

The first time I ever saw Sharon she was not physically in the movie theater, but up on silver screen of a Times Square theater fellating the pizza boy’s cock, while doggie styling the man acting as her husband. Neither of the men were particularly attractive, probably so the audience might identify with them, however […]

December 20, 1978 – East Village – Journal

My Christmas shopping is nearly complete, except for my brother Frank and sister Pammie, but accomplishing that should be easy thanks to a bet at OTB with Bill Yusk coming through. Wise Philip at Aqueduct. An unexpected boon thanks to a dream about the race. Like DH Lawrence’s The Unrealistic Dream Of A Horse Rider. […]