Tag Archives: thieves

Voodoo Economic Assholes

The Great Depression has faded from the American consciousness. The national economy expanded enormously over the last half-century. Most people have only known relative prosperity in their lifetime. Few living recall standing in lines for a soup kitchen. Big cars and fast food created a sense of comfort for the nation. Under GW Bush’s tutelage […]

Moscow Street Scam

Last week Johnny Zombie sent me to Russia. Three of his company’s clients were not paying this debts. The internet mogul from Palm Beach thought my visit would show that he was not forgetting or forgiving their obligations. $500/day plus expenses. I could use the money, but when I mentioned to trip to my cousin […]

Thieves like Duh

I can’t remember which commandment belongs to ‘thou shalt not steal’. I’ll guess #6. I agree with this rule, for aside from being karmically wrong, the rewards of theft are outweighed by the negatives. Why? Because people make mistakes and two heads are not smarter than one and three are stupider than two. The proof comes […]