Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Bad Mouthing the Eagle

Benjamin Franklin never proposed the turkey for the national bird. It is a myth, however the turkey of his era was nothing like the domesticated bird slaughtered for Thanksgiving. The wild turkey was a cunning wood creature living in large communes of fellow avians. Huge flocks of brightly plumed turkeys clouded the skies. Benjamin Franklin […]

No Thanks Day

Half my family arrived in the Americas on the Mayflower. The Hamlin clan owed its survival that first autumn to the Wampanoags or People of the Dawn. The Saints and Strangers of the Old World showed their gratitude by forcing the disease-weakened natives from their ancestral home, much as the Moses’ ancestors had evicted the […]

Thanksgiving 1978 From My Journal

Thanksgiving 1978 was spent at our Easts Village apartment; Alice, Kim, Bobbie, Andy Reese, and Grant. I ended up dropping LSD with Bill Yusk. The first hit was weak and I dropped another tab. Still nothing and I drank wine with Alice and Kim. Two hours later I was drunk and the LSD hit hard. […]

New Haven Turkey Day

Five Thanksgivings ago I traveled north to have turkey with my younger sister’s in-laws. They were good people. Back in the 1940s New Haven was a prime destination for commuters. however in the 50s the Federal Courts had ordered the New Haven railroad to divest itself of the trolleys running from the various stations along […]

Big Bird Day

Two years ago I walked through Grand Central Terminal. Thousands of passengers were striving to catch a train home for Thanksgiving. My sister had invited her family feast outside of Boston. I have to work on Friday and opted out on the holiday exodus to spend a quiet day at the Fort Greene Observatory. I […]