Tag Archives: thai

Sleeping Khmer # 1

The Thais are not alone.

Thai No Nos

Last night I left Chinatown and surveyed the skyline shimmering under a clear sky dotted by the few stars strong enough to pierce New York’s light umbrella. It was hot and sweat dripped from my hair and I thought that my last hair-cut had been in Thailand. Three months ago. I could trim my scalp […]

Ganden Sky Burial

A mango tree shaded our old house in Sri Racha. Birds roosted on the branches. Our next-door neighbor hated the tree. Its leaves fell into their yard, even though the tree’s spread of shade cooled down both houses. My neighbor only saw the leaves and the other week she called up the electricity office to […]


The attribute I most admire in the Thais is their ability to sleep anywhere and I seem to have acquire this gift from my years of living in the Land of Smiles. I thank Siam for this talent. Everywhere and anytime.

YOU BET I WOULD Thai Bikini Girl