Tag Archives: skateboarding

Skateboarding Pattaya 2006

Back in 2006 while living through another hot season in Pattaya, I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics from Torino Italy. After viewing the downhill and fantasized about snow mountains and skiing, then spotted my skateboard. Skateboard, Pattaya Hill, road, downhill on asphalt. I told Angie’s mom about my plan and she frowned, even after I […]

The Now World

Skateboarding never gets old.

Skateboarding Pattaya 2006

Back in 2006 while living through another hot season in Pattaya, I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics from Torino Italy. After viewing the downhill and fantasized about snow mountains and skiing, then spotted my skateboard. Skateboard, Pattaya Hill, road, downhill on asphalt. I told Angie’s mom about my plan and she frowned, even after I […]

Skateboarding in the White House

GW Bush was very straight on protocol in the White House. Everyone had to wear a tie. Humor was used to manipulate the public’s perception of the president’s likability factor. Clinton’s regime was also rigid when it came time to maintain the imperial mantle, although Bill was a little remiss with his hitting on Monica […]