Tag Archives: semi-fiction


Rome wasn’t burnt in a day. – James Steele New York City teetered toward bankruptcy during America’s economic stagnation of the mid-70s and on Oct. 29, 1975 the Daily News splashed the headline FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD, after the president refused to bailout New York. The mayor slashed every department’s budget to the bone […]

Back From The Dead 2011

My New Year’s Eve plans were local. Watch the Celtics-New Orleans game at Mullane’s followed up by an early beer at Frank’s then home to my Fort Greene Penthouse to watch the final sunset of 2011 before getting attire in my evening suit. Nothing says New Year’s Eve better than a tux. I polished off […]

BET ON CRAZY / Naked Women

Published 2008 Rough diamonds are predominantly mined from volcanic vents in Africa, Australia, Russia, and Canada. After that process separated into parcels for the London sight-holders, who have the stones cut in Antwerp, Israel, or India. The finished products are divvied out to various diamond brokers and then brought over to various diamond markets across […]


Published 2013 The Thai people pride themselves in the purity of their language. Few English words have infiltrated the common lexicon. Dtam-ruaat is the word for police. The diphonic annunciation can confuse most farangs. I thought for years that Dtam-ruaat meant ‘make blood’, however make blood is spelled Dtam-leuuat with a falling accent on the […]

GASLIGHT PINBALL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pinball was banned as a game of chance in New York City throughout most of the 20th Century. In 1976 a pinball wizard proved the contrary to a courtroom by calling out his shots to the amazed judges. The ace later acknowledged that his called shot was pure luck, however pinball machines once more populated […]