Tag Archives: peter nolan smith

IN ABSENCE OF AMNESIA – Chapter 2 By Peter Nolan Smith

Two weeks after Labor Day the Continental opened its door without a liquor license. Limos lined West 25th Street well past dawn, as models, actresses, and strippers danced with abandon to the city’s best DJs. Movie stars snorted coke with two-bit dealers and national politicians seduced Amazonian TVs on pop-art sofas. Few revelers cared about […]

IN ABSENCE OF AMNESIA – Chapter 1 By Peter Nolan Smith

New York in the summer of 1981 was everything it hadn’t been in the winter of 1979. The temperature boiled the asphalt. Punk had been replaced by New Wave and somehow the city had escaped bankruptcy. Money flowed on the streets and even the East Village exhibited signs of regeneration, since abandoned tenements can only […]


January 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Howl Gallery 6 East 1st Street Writers Remember Times Square Noah Prince, Peter Nolan Smith, and Claudia Summers Confetti lingers in lonely gutters and the crevasses of the sidewalks. It spins upward through spiraling gusts of wind eventually landing again. Aside from your best intentions, nothing escapes […]

Like Father Like Son

Fenway took a fall in the bathroom. Lots of blood. 8 stitches. No longer perfect. Everyone says his mother beat him. Mam would never touch him. Me maybe, but like father like son. My black eye is from a street fight in Pattaya. “It was a good fight, ma, but I lost.” In fact I […]

Drawings 1978 by Peter Nolan Smith ( a non-artist )

A theater. A bank. Battery Park Marine Fire Station. Tugboat. A warship. Desertion. Whaling ship. Junkie space. A good thing I never tried to be an artist. Drawings 1978 by Peter Nolan Smith ( a non-artist )