Tag Archives: pearl harbor


Like JFK’s assassination everyone of a certain age remembered where they were during the announcement of the Japanese attack on the US Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor. Many had to ask, “Where’s Pearl Harbor?” This morning to commemorate their ignorance I posed the same question to younger people on the streets of Manhattan. Few of […]

Hawaii Missile Threat

Published 2009 North Korea launched a Taepodong-2 rocket in the general direction on Hawaii. No sirens sounded in Pearl Harbor. The missile failed to achieve orbit, although the hardline worker state crowed about their propaganda “victory” on state TV and the state organ newspaper declared the test as a “historic event that sounded the cannon’s […]

Day Of Infamy A La Thailand

Published 2013 Eighty-one years ago Japanese aircraft attacked the US Pacific Fleet. Nearly every capital ship in Pearl Harbor was sunk or severely damaged by bombs or torpedoes and the Pacific Ocean became a Japanese lake until the BattleMidway. The next day President Roosevelt declared before Congress, “December 7th shall live forever as a day […]

A Man is A Man

The American ideal for a man is based more on movie characters than reality. Bravery is defined by cinematic shoot-outs and wisdom quoted from famous films. Politicians recognize this weakness in the voters’ psyche and their press attaches strive for photo-ops mirroring Hollywood moments. GW Bush was hailed for his MISSION ACCOMPLISHED appearance on the […]