Tag Archives: Pattaya

Big Al’s Taco Stand (Pattaya)

First came milk. Next pabulum. Something sweet. Salty too. Sour. Yech, didn’t like beets. Taste buds take time adjusting to food. Italian from Portland Maine was the first extreme followed by Chinese from Randolph, Mass. No other ethnic cuisines existed until I entered a corner bar on Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. Concannon and Sennetts had several pinball machines and […]

Best Pizza in Pattaya

When I first came to Asia, I thought bread wouldn’t pass my lips until my round-the-world ticket brought me to the baguettes of Paris. I was wrong. In Biak the end of the world where the sea mirrored a flat blue sky, the Javanese store sold bread. As white as Wonderbread. Soft and squishy. Malaysia had […]

German bank robber ends crime wave in Pattaya

It’s desperation season again. Foreigners come to Pattaya with the goal of living out the rest of their life on the Eastern Seaboard. Some arrive with millions and others start businesses to finance the lifestyles of the ne’er-do-well and infamous. Most last about a year and a half before realizing their nest eggs and dream […]

Thieves like Duh

I can’t remember which commandment belongs to ‘thou shalt not steal’. I’ll guess #6. I agree with this rule, for aside from being karmically wrong, the rewards of theft are outweighed by the negatives. Why? Because people make mistakes and two heads are not smarter than one and three are stupider than two. The proof comes […]

9/11 plus 5 Pattaya Memorial

My wife has been out of town for over a week. She had gone up country to the rice paddies with my daughter to take care of a sick sister. Champoo, my dog, escorted on my nights at the Buffalo Bar. The bar on 3rd Road is a convenient five-minute motorcycle ride to my soi […]