Tag Archives: Pattaya

Thai Gun Range

Funny how kids get toy guns at an early age. I refused to buy my kids a toy gun, but I did take my nephew Edward to a gun range. He was over 10. My middle name is hypocrite. ps the gun range was next to a place offering elephant rides. The shots had the […]


Several years ago my doctor and I were cleaning out the medicine cabinets of his deceased father’s office. It was in his parents’ old house. where his old man had spent over 40 years caring for thousands of Staten Islanders. We were surprised to find three small boxes of Quaaludes. Their expiration date was 1979. […]

Permanent Record

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” These lines from Emma Lazurus’ sonnet THE NEW COLOSSUS have graced the base of the Statue of Liberty since 1903. […]

2008 Bar Rules for Pattaya

It’s almost high season so better get a head start of reminding punters visiting Pattaya that there are actually rules of behavior for bargirls. These come from www.globalreport.com and are the other side of the mirror. Most people ignore rules but what the hell? Check them out. 1. At the end of the week, specifically […]

Home Alone ala Pattaya

On several occasions my wife has left town to ‘supposedly’ take care of her ‘sick’ sister. Her return date always overlaps an extra weekend. I could suspect the worse, but I never minded being in the house alone. No one, but me and my dog. Could have been a sad situation, except I don’t reside […]