Tag Archives: Pattaya

The Fatality of Infidelity in Thailand

Several years ago my friend, Sam Royalle, suspected his girlfriend was seeing another man. “It wouldn’t bother me if he was farang, but I think he’s Thai.” “How do you know that?” I always have suspected that the reason Thai girls insist of showering after sex is to erase any evidence of sex, although the […]

The Gift Of The Hitman

Pattaya has a well-earned reputation for a refuge of scoundrels. The city fathers campaign ceaselessly to promote the city’s other attractions such as golf, food, shopping, and the beach, but a pig is a pig is a pig no matter what color the PR flaks paint the pig. Things have improved since the 90s, but […]

Washing Of Hands

Baseball season is in full swing. The Yankees and Mets are disappointing their fans and the Red Sox are going nowhere, but these teams’ mediocrity will not interfere with baseball’s greatest tradition of men never washing their hands after going to the toilets. A 2008 survey conducted at the Atlanta Braves stadium revealed that while […]

Dry Season

E My wife Mam tells me that the water is running from the tap and the Sri Racha water authorities are promising no water shortages in the present heat wave, but in Pattaya old water mains are failing to keep up with demand and funky old water trucks are sucking the Jomtien lagoons dry. City […]

Thailand’s Happiness Index Deficit

In 1972 Bhutan’s King Jigme Singye Wangchuck attempted to reform his country’s feudal economy on a Buddhist spiritual level rather than a capitalistic model. To best judge his efforts the king created a Gross Domestic Happiness Index based on life satisfaction, life expectancy at birth, and ecological footprint per capita. The Wall Street Journal ignores […]