Tag Archives: Pattaya

Headlines of Pattaya

City officials are constantly announcing clean-ups of Pattaya. Drug busts, gambling raids, crackdowns on bars, and arrests of criminal farangs have garnered the local headlines for years without progress, mostly the small timers are inspired by the truly majestic demeanor of the corrupt elite lining their pockets with kickbacks, bribes, and illegal take-overs. Decent Thais […]

Thai Fidelity Test

Farang men actually hire detectives to follow their Thai girlfriends when all they have to do is heed the advice of Cennn3 on www.pattayaaddicts.com Is your Thai girlfriend bullshitting you? Ask yourself these questions. 1. Has she lost and asked you to replace more phones than you have owned in your life? 2. Do her […]

Drunk Not Dead / Sukhumvit

Sukhumvit or Route 3 stretches from Bangkok to Trat. This road serves as the main conduit south to the Cambodian border and its lanes cut through a series of coastal cities and town. In Pattaya Sukhumvit is more highway than road, although drivers speed over its asphalt with an abandonment of regard for life and […]

To Die in Pattaya

The NY Times published a list of why Americans die. The leading causes of fatality come as no surprise; heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease in that order. Almost all of them are related to environment, bad food, obesity, or a cocktail of the three. You are what you […]

Orgasm Mai Ching

Back in 1991 I had sex with a Thai woman, whom I had met at the Marine Disco in Pattaya. She writhed in passion with her bones crackling like popcorn. At the end of an hour the twenty-year old Isaan native said, “I finish many times. You #1.” I tipped the free-lancer an extra 200 […]