Tag Archives: pascha ray

Auld Lang Syne 2012

2012 will come to an end this evening. 2013 has already dawned on my young family in Thailand. Seven hours remain in 2012 at the Fort Greene Observatory. Darkness lay heavy over the borough of Brooklyn and a bottle of Riesling stands on my desk as my passport to the new year. Tonight I will […]

Newspapers Versus TVs and Cellphones

TV and cellphones will never replace a newspaper. You can’t swat a fly with a newspaper. – Pascha Ray – Traveler

First Glass of Wine 2011

My New Year’s Eve of 2011 ended with a glass of Johnny Walker Black in my hand at the first floor of the Fort Greene Observatory. I had one sip and chucked the rest in the sink. It was 5am and I was glad that the winter night possessed another hour before the dawn. The […]

Erotic Hot Dog Contest

The best hamburger in the world came from Simpson’s Grove outside Portland. The buns were toasted, the sauce was a mild relish/ketchup combo, cheddar cheese melting over the edges, and an all-beef patties sizzling with grilled fat. Yummy. No trace of this heavenly hamburger stand exists on the internet. The best steak came from a […]

True Evil

I don’t believe in heaven or hell, but if there is a hell I hope Roy Cohn is getting a good burning and if not when the revolution comes, first order should be to be exhumed after the triumph of the revolution and his pulverized bones scattered to the winds. This snitch bastard ruined lives […]