Tag Archives: palestine

שוב רצח עם עז

Facebook has censored most of my comments on Gaza. I believe in the one state for all the peoples. Isrhael stole the land of Palestine with the help of the British and French after World War I, but that history don’t matter now. All the wars fought and the uprisings crushed and the apartheid oppression […]

Points of View for the Shabbat Goy

Since my return from the Land of the Dead, my friends have been phoning to hear my voice. They all say I sound better than before and this afternoon Big Abe called from $7th Street to say that he had seen an advertisement online for a Shabbat Goy ie that is a gentile to turn […]

Palestine Then

During the Great War the French and British sliced up the Ottoman Empire without any interest in creating viable states according to the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement. TE Lawrence was outraged by this betrayal of the two nations’ allies again the Turks. The Mandate of Palestine was given to the English who stood by when the […]

Palestine Peace Train

Back in the late 19th century European Jews sought a homeland to call their own. The obvious choice was Palestine with their historical ties to the Levant dating back the End of the Exodus and an existing community of 10,000 in Jerusalem and three other cities. By 1918 the Jewish population in Palestine had expanded […]

The Path From Palestine

Click on image to enlarge. How can you create peace in Palestine without understanding the fact that the land was stolen from the original owners? It would be like someone coming into your house and saying my great-great-great to the 10th power grandfather lived in this house and now I’m moving into it. “You get […]