Tag Archives: obesity

Fat Is The New Thin

The contagion of obesity has struck over 35% of Americans and the FDA has taken drastic steps to help the obese reduce weight by approving Belviq by Arena Pharmaceutical, whose clinical tests show that patients can lose up to 5% of the body mass with the negative threat of tumors along with the side effects […]

Cooking UK ala Nothing

Obesity is spreading through the world from the USA, where over 35% of the adult population have been inflicted with Orson Wellesitis. The director of CITIZEN KANE weighed more than 350 pounds or 150 kilos at the time of his death. I once found a black cape with the label MADE FOR MSSR ORSON WELLES […]


My earliest exposure to gout came from movies showing Henry VIII hobbling about the set with his foot swathed in bandages. The disease came from rich foods. Only the very wealthy or obese were supposedly prone to such an ailment, although in recent years friends have limped into restaurants or parties to explain, “I have […]

Obese Beat Out Fat USA

Last year the population of America topped 300,000,000. India and China are over a billion each, however while the average weight of a Chinese or Indian person is 54 kilos, over one-third of Americans are considered obese. Not fat, but obese meaning that there is a good possibility that what we lack in numbers we […]

WHEN FAT MEN FLY by Peter Nolan Smith