Tag Archives: nyc

New York Desolation – Poem November 30 1976

A last kiss through cold steel bars Accompany your parting glance Our worlds, met and joined Drift away in this final act Your steps echo off tunnel walls Becoming your last trace And they too vanish under the roar Of the subway that gives you escape In that moment I call out desperate You don’t […]

Cops In The Good Old Days

Nightclub raconteur Steve Lewis wrote on Blackbook.com that the NYPD harassment of the nightclub GREENHOUSE appeared to be blatant racism. http://www.blackbookmag.com/racism-core-greenhouse-harassment/ That certainly seems to be the case. The police hate nightclubs, because they don’t get payoffs like the ‘good ole days’ unless they put pressure on the joint and then the ‘bagman’ comes to […]

Safer Biking In NYC

Two nights ago I was bicycling up to the Williamsburg Bridge. A small crowd of bikers were gathered opposite the old Williamsburg Bank. I slowed down and spotted several city officials handing out night lights for bikes. Free. I got into line and a young man came up to me. “We’re from the DOT of […]

Revenue Pirates

Two days ago I bicycled over to Chinatown. All the restaurants were closed after the storm, however one store was selling box lunches to the powerless neighborhood. Within minutes health inspectors descended on this violators of the health code and forced customers to give back their food without a refund. Fucking city. It’s back to […]

The Forgotten Borough

Two weeks ago I ferried across the lower harbor to Staten Island. My college friend Nick had invited me to watch the Jets versus the Patriots at his house on Lighthouse Hill. We have a lovely day drinking wine, eating homemade Italian food, and even better the Pats beat the Jets. Nick drove me down […]