Tag Archives: new years day

1-1-2007 – PATTAYA

Having gone to sleep slightly after the stroke of 12am on New Year’s Eve, I woke with the dawn the next morning. Champoo, my little dog, was dying for a walk and I tiptoed through the sprawled bodies of my wife’s guests. They had had too much food and drink unlike me. I was nearly stone-sober. My […]

January 1, 1979 – East Village – Journal

Alice, Anthony, and I saw in the New Year on 3rd Avenue. A gang member of Puerto Ricans from the Lower East Side muttered at Alice, “What are you looking at, ugly?” Ship horns from the harbor signaled the end of 1978 and the gang member wished us, “Feliz año nuevo.” We returned the wish. […]

New Year’s Day the East Village 2024

St. Mark’s Church New Year’s Day Late afternoon Outside The sky a darkening gray. Poetry inside Hundreds in attendance Words twisting into more words A tangle of syllables Wrought by the breath of life Skipping o’er the tongues Of Poets amongst poets Within the church. Outside Afternoon surrendering to evening Walk down Second Avenue The […]

Nothing 2015

Someone once told me, “How you spend New Year’s Day is how you will spend the rest of the year.” Back in 2015 after a pleasant dinner west of Times Square I walked down 42nd Street to catch the N train at 7th Avenue. The sidewalks were crowded with revelers and the police were struggling […]