Tag Archives: ms. carolina

VOW OF SILENCE by Peter Nolan Smith

Almost everyone in the world has a phone. Cellular service instantly connects New York with Antarctica or Greenland. I call my son Fenway’s mom and Mam will pick up in Thailand. Every minute millions of cellular calls and SMS messages crisscross the globe searching billions of destinations. We are so close, yet so far away […]

ROUGH ROAD by Peter Nolan Smith

Peru was under siege in 1995. The War of Drugs had replaced the War against the Shining Path. The capitol city Lima was cool, but I had unsuccessfully spent the better part of two days trying to score a bag of cocaine. The airport police fingered me as a user and an undercover squad tailed […]

Bear Tracks

1988 was a dry year in the West. Fires broke out on both sides of the Rockies. None was more dramatic than those in Yellowstone. The National Park was torched by the union of small conflagrations that merged into a ravaging fireball. Management took a course of inaction under the direction of President George Bush. […]