Tag Archives: martin luther king jr.

Evil Personified – Edgar J Hoover – 2014

The FBI waged psychological warfare against Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta. Letter such as the one above, which suggested he take his life, were constantly sent to the family at the behest of the FBI director. J. Edgar Hoover was an evil man and his legacy haunts the FBI to this day. Not […]

March On DC Plus 50

Written on Aug 26, 2013 August 28, 1963 hundreds of thousands of Americans assembled in Washington DC for the Jobs and Freedom March. The demonstration had a good number of whites, but the marchers were predominantly black and very brave considering how the police treated any congregation large and small of America?s minority with violence. […]

JFK on the March to Washington

Written August 13, 2013 Two years ago the BBC News reported that JFK had attempted to block the 1963 March on Washington for fear of violence and painted a picture of a president apathetic to the plight of blacks in America, however the article ignored to mention the Justice Department descending on Birmingham after the […]