Tag Archives: london

Great Olympic Moments

Jessie Owens taking the gold medal at the Nazi Olympics 1936  Lee Evans, Peter Norman, and Tommie Smith protesting racism at the Mexico Olympics 1968.   Tank Man Beijing 1988

I Love London

Mitt Romney set off from America to visit the UK and Israel. Stopping in London to visit Prime Minister Cameron the GOP candidate, who supervised the 2002 Utah Winter Games, criticized the the London’s Olympics by saying, “The stories about the private security firm not having enough people, the supposed strike of the immigration and […]

London NHS To The ER

The BBC has reported that a London NHS hospital trust has been warned by the Tory Health Minister about bankruptcy over some $100 million in debts, which had been incurred by a private finance initiative. The interest on the debt has risen quickly with delinquency and the right wing of the government is pushing hard […]

The Price of Time

For years I have heard people say, “If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime.” This stupid saying only pertains to poor people and sloppy criminals, since they can’t afford a good lawyer to get them off with a slap on the wrist or delay the proceedings until the court settles for […]

F Is Not For Fake

My editor Adrian sent this photo from Christie’s in London. They want 50K Sterling for this scribbling by Karen Kilimnik. I worked the door of the Bains-Douches in that era of error. And I’m worthless. No commercial value no sell out – Pascha Ray But I do like her work.