Tag Archives: life

Lazarus II

Two summers ago in the black night of Brooklyn I spewed several liters of blood into the bathroom tub. After wiping the retch from my face More blood surged from my body. Liters’ Something was not right. Something was very wrong. In a taxi I crossed the East River. To NYU Inside the emergency room. […]

The Children Of Dead Friends

Sad to say I have outlived my most dangerous friends. They challenged Life. Faces turned to destiny and death seized them for eternity. Junkies, bank robbers, normal people and psychos lifted from life. We cannot surrender out souls. We must live. Forever or until the sun don’t shine.

Drinking Yourself To Death

Every week the Pattaya Media highlights another farang leaving this mortal coil from suicide. Favorite methods of self-demise tend to be jumping from a condo, poison, or hanging yourself with a plastic bag around your head, but few people ever comment on the most popular technique ie drinking yourself to the grave, since the process […]

YOU BET I WOULD by Peter Nolan Smith

During our 2009 trip through the American Midlands filming Barry Flanagan statues Brock Dundee and I detoured from our route to meet Colonel Rockford Ret. in Iowa City. The three of us began the evening at a sports bar. The bartender had just returned from his third tour in Iraq. We toasted his return with […]


My good friend AL Harlow aka Big Al has published his memoir online. Here’s the opening; WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE by A. L. Harlow When I began writing this I was at a loss for the reasons why. Why would I open myself up again to all those feelings from years of being lost, broken, […]