Tag Archives: joke

Sick Buffalo Email

“Dear Xxxx I love you and I miss you too much. my friend bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you hansum man I have problem I write you before that buffalo me sick Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall […]


Several years ago my future ex-wife’s brother-in-law received a phone call from his brother. Bok and his son were in the hospital. They had had a motorsai accident. My future ex-wife hung up the phone. “Neither of them are dead?” I asked in Thai “No.” This was good news. Bok and his son Beer were […]

Kill a Jew Backlash

My friend Raoul posted a Facebook page KILL A JEW. The page was promoting an event on July 12. I joined to research the madness behind this sight. A gun dealer in Arizona has been sending hate mail to my Facebook account. Our discussion; LOBO You are scum. ME Thank you. LOBO You’re welcome ME […]

Bikes From Mexico

Jose arrives at the Mexican border on his bike with 2 huge bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and asks: “What’s in the bags?” “Senior, It’s only sand.” replies Jose. “Sand??? Well, we’ll just see about that – get off the bike!” The guard takes the bags, rips them open, empties them out […]

Ha Ha Stalin

A Russian citizen is trying to protest against the communist regime, therefore he throws leaflets, papers around on the Red Square in Moscow. KGB agents arrest him and question him, then they observe that there was nothing on the papers, they were all plain white. The KGB agents ask him why the papers are white, […]