Tag Archives: International Write Off Day

Bad Debt Good

My first credit card was backed by the endorsement of Mrs. Carolina in 1995. “An American Express for emergencies.” The southerner loved the way I kissed and visited me once a month in New York. Ms. Carolina told her husband that I was gay. His believing her mapped out a faultline in my masculinity. Ms. […]

The Three Rules of Wealth Acquisition

In a revolution traditionally the first ones against the wall are the landlords. In our cities the only construction are luxury condos with 30% occupancy destroying whole neighborhoods by raising real estate taxes thanks to over-inflated values of empty apartments, so the elite can launder their wealth. If you want to point fingers at why […]

International Write-Off Day 2015

. Julius Caesar returned from the conquest of Gaul and paid off the hoi polloi’s debt. The rich were bribed with gold. Romans called this holiday a ‘jubilee’ and the common man extolled Caesar. They were no longer slaves to the upper classes, who hated Caesar for disrupting the ancient social order. Caesar thought that […]


A poem Revolution To save us all We are us We are the road We are the cities The town The villages The nowheres We are the World And beyond. We are a movement We do not sign petition We do not support capitalism Our dreams Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness This time […]

I’M GOOD IF YOU’RE GOOD by Peter Nolan Smith

Written March 25, 2014 Opening a jewelry store in the Plaza Hotel seemed like a good idea in the Spring of 2009. I was dead broke after my arrest in Thailand for copyright infringement and my wife Mam was pregnant with our son. The Plaza was one of New York’s premier destinations. Wealth was in […]