Tag Archives: hollywood

The Smell of Eucalyptus 1986

In June of 1986 I came back from France to write porno scripts with an old girlfriend strung out on H. North Hollywood, the ground zero of the XXX film industry. Obviously I was not thinking straight, but I had confused lust with love, especially since Sharon was a porno actress skilled at faking orgasms. […]


My hillbilly girlfriend and I moved to the East Village in 1978. The twenty-two year-old blonde actress came from West Virginia and I hailed from New England. Alice was in the theater like Bill, our upstairs neighbor. I wrote poetry. One day Bill announced that he had been cast in a western called HEAVEN’S GATE. […]

December 18, 1978 – East Village – Journal Entry

Alice left the East Village. We have lived at 256 East 10th since August. I carry her heavy blue bag down to the street corner. It’s not too cold and she’s wearing a long green Mormon dress, a distressed purple sweater, and her favorite high-heeled boots. I want her to stay with me, but both […]

IN ABSENCE OF AMNESIA – Chapter 6 By Peter Nolan Smith

At the beginning of 1986 Candia left for a photo shoot in the Alps. Several days later She phoned to say her boss had invited the fashion team for a ski trip to Isola 2000. Having heard her opinion that skiers were too poor to vacation in the tropics, I bit my tongue and drank […]

Hollywood Squares Ha Ha

From my brother in law David You remember the Original Hollywood Squares and its comics, this may bring a tear to your eyes. These great questions and answers are from the days when the “Hollywood Squares” game show responses were spontaneous and clever, not scripted and (often) dull, as they are now. Peter Marshall was […]