Tag Archives: hoax

Yet Another 9/11 Hoax

The circumstances surrounding 9/11 has been cloaked by theories of conspiracies and hoaxes. Many people believe that the US government brought down the Twin Towers with the help of the Israeli military or that the planes were drone jets and not commercial liners. Everyone with a half a brain had to question the discovery of […]


Several years ago I was out with the boys on Soi 6. Strictly for sociological research. Nick was drinking vodkas. Sammie was searching for Ms. Perfect, and young Marton was wrestling with an undersized bargirl on the sofa for what seemed to be about an hour. He weighs in at 85 kilos and she couldn’t […]

Yet Another Facebook Hoax

We are suckers for thinking that we are smart enough to fool the machine and this weekend thousands if not millions of facebook users posted the following warning in hopes of protecting their privacy. “In response to the new Facebook guidelines I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, […]


A hoax The hoax about the BOEING 797 has been circulating on the web since 2006. Claims for a blended wing fuselage aircraft with the flying distance of 10,000 miles at Mach .88 have been refuted by the Seattle-based aircraft company, although some aviation experts have sourced the rumor to Boeing itself, since the company […]

Ever Green in Bangkok

This week the world’s climate experts are meeting in Bangkok to formalize a plan to deal with climate change, despite FOX NEWS and drivers of SUVs claims that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the liberal media. The secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, is calling on the representatives to save […]