Tag Archives: gulf of mexico

The Gulf of Naha

The Maga president had been out of the White House fighting criminal lawsuits and the prospect of prison. His 2024 presidential victory assured that the Orange Messiah had redeemed himself in the faith of Religious Right. It was not a landslide. Only 58% of the eligible voters participated in the electoral process. Trump received 28% […]

Unacceptable Contrition

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster for the ocean. Another blow against Nature. An unparalleled ecological disaster without any end in sight. British Petroleum, Halliburton, and the Bureau of Mines and Minerals. Capitol, science, and government. A Triumvirate of failure. The American people want to know why. Someone had to […]

The Cajun Nuclear Option

The Gulf Oil Spill continues to spew oil a month and a half after the Deepwater Horizon platform exploded 40 miles off the coast of Louisiana. BP has failed to cap the mile-deep gusher and the oil is threatening to smear the entire southern coast of the United States. President Obama has heard thousands of […]