Tag Archives: go go bars

Oh Poor Babylon

This month I’ve had a number of opportunities to pass through Times Square. Each time I’m shocked by the gross commercialization of an infamous sex entrepot. Go-Go bars have been replaced by Starbucks. Old movie theaters are shopping malls for uniform fashion and tawdry clip joints have been replaced by mainstream eateries serving GMO food. […]

Farang Poll by Nana Plaza Girls

Last January the Old Roue and I stayed out later than planned in Bangkok and I stayed at a cheap hotel on Soi Nana rather than spend 1000 on a taxi back to Sriracha. In the morning I woke up wanting to to kill the cat, who fouled my mouth, then called Fenway’s mom, who […]

The Gift Of The Hitman

Pattaya has a well-earned reputation for a refuge of scoundrels. The city fathers campaign ceaselessly to promote the city’s other attractions such as golf, food, shopping, and the beach, but a pig is a pig is a pig no matter what color the PR flaks paint the pig. Things have improved since the 90s, but […]

Washing Of Hands

Baseball season is in full swing. The Yankees and Mets are disappointing their fans and the Red Sox are going nowhere, but these teams’ mediocrity will not interfere with baseball’s greatest tradition of men never washing their hands after going to the toilets. A 2008 survey conducted at the Atlanta Braves stadium revealed that while […]