Tag Archives: global warming


Fay is passing over Palm Beach with 40-60 mph winds. The girls in the Kit-Kat Club asked me about what were our storm preparations. “I’ll sit it out in here.” The club was dark, the beer was cold, girls at the Kit-Kat Club were equally oblivious to the tropical storm. The only disaster of concern […]

No Way Fay

“It was beauty that killed the beast.” KING KONG The beauty for King Kong was Fay Wray and US meteorologists have named the 6th storm of the 2008 season in her honor. Fay has left Haiti heading north. Destination the Florida Keys. Palm Beach is expected to receive big wind heavy rains. This house has […]

Ever Green in Bangkok

This week the world’s climate experts are meeting in Bangkok to formalize a plan to deal with climate change, despite FOX NEWS and drivers of SUVs claims that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the liberal media. The secretary general of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon, is calling on the representatives to save […]

Doomsday Compromise in Bali

Two weeks of bitter talks in Bali ended with the US compromising on a plan to start decreasing carbon emissions by 2009 in order to deal with worldwide rising temperatures. Only problem is that we may be too late, despite U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declaring, “This is the beginning, not the end.” The jungles of […]

GOP Weather Genius

Richie Boy and his wife are up north in Vermont. He reported blizzard-like conditions mirroring the predictions of meteorologists across the Northeast. The region will be hit Thursday and Friday by a frigid hurricane sweeping moisture off the Atlantic. I warned Richie Boy to clear the roof of his trailer and get fire wood in […]