Tag Archives: farang

Mayor For A Night

The other day I ate a spicy catfish salad or yam pla muk foo followed by a beer. The combination sat wrong with my stomach and my sleep that night was interrupted by a disturbing dream. Somehow after a drunken night on Walking Street, I had been appointed mayor of Pattaya. I was in the […]

Thai Fidelity Test

Farang men actually hire detectives to follow their Thai girlfriends when all they have to do is heed the advice of Cennn3 on www.pattayaaddicts.com Is your Thai girlfriend bullshitting you? Ask yourself these questions. 1. Has she lost and asked you to replace more phones than you have owned in your life? 2. Do her […]

Thai Water Buffalo Revival

A warning to farangs living in Thailand. Be prepared for an onslaught of kwai mai sabai or sick buffalo complaints from your girlfriends, as up-country relatives switch from tractors to water buffaloes to work their fields. For years the King of Thailand has proclaimed that the water buffalo was a vital part of the nation’s […]

Sick Buffalo Email

“Dear Xxxx I love you and I miss you too much. my friend bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you hansum man I have problem I write you before that buffalo me sick Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall […]


Several years ago my future ex-wife’s brother-in-law received a phone call from his brother. Bok and his son were in the hospital. They had had a motorsai accident. My future ex-wife hung up the phone. “Neither of them are dead?” I asked in Thai “No.” This was good news. Bok and his son Beer were […]