Tag Archives: england

Cooking UK ala Nothing

Obesity is spreading through the world from the USA, where over 35% of the adult population have been inflicted with Orson Wellesitis. The director of CITIZEN KANE weighed more than 350 pounds or 150 kilos at the time of his death. I once found a black cape with the label MADE FOR MSSR ORSON WELLES […]

God Save the Queen and Her Fascist Regime

A NOTE FROM HER ROYAL HIGHNESS QEII In light of your repeated failure to financially manage yourselves and also in recent years to elect incompetent Presidents of the USA therefore not be able to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up ‘revocation’ in the […]

Beer Bless England

The English like to drink. Beer courses in their veins in the general direction of Mayhem Station and London Transit decided this year to ban alcohol on the Tube. Yesterday was the last day of Beermas and thousands of the faithful celebrated the end of underground drinking with an impromptu party. Six stations were closed […]