Tag Archives: dream


Flowers are exploding all across the East Village community gardens. The temperature is in the 90s. The air in our apartment has no oxygen. The streets only have a little more. Alice and I have lived together for the last month. I haven’t worked a day. Alice is heading home to West Virginia for Labor […]

July 13, 1986 Journal

Looking sliding my thigh between yours Denim on denim Skin beneath the denim The train rocks on the track Lena and me stand At the end of the car Only a few passengers We don’t care if they look We are lost In this act Your hand on my crotch My cock underneath the denim […]

Dreams of Sex

Death and Sex are the two prime drives of life according to Freudians. At my age death seemed closer than sex, although later next month I’ll be flying west to the East . My wife will meet me at Bangkok airport with my son Fenway. I’ll give him a big kiss and her a hug. […]