Tag Archives: donald trump

Flock of Haircuts – The Orange Messiah

Almost a month has passsed since Donald Trump ousted the Democrats from the White House. His coalition of despicables, disguntled blue collar workers, devout evangelicals, Dixiecrats, neo-nazis, Hispanic fundamentalists, fat and bald men and their wives also won control of the House and Senate. His MAGA followers adored the seventy-eight year old, but while 99% […]

Donald Tweet Columbus Day

av Christopher Columbus’s spirit of determination & adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans. On #ColumbusDay, we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, & celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. In truth Columbus voyaged west with the knowledge of Portugese and Basque fishermen, who harvested Cod from the […]

Not Again Not Ever

The KKK was founded by Southern white supremacists after the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865. Armed bands of ex-soldiers roamed the night to terrorize freed slaves and elected former CSA General Nathan Forrest was elected Grand Dragon of the racist organization. Thousands of blacks were killed during this first reign of terror and the […]

Hillary With Her Friends

Written May 13, 2016 Barry Goldwater 1995. She had campaigned for him in 1964. With the war criminal Henry Kissinger. Her old buddy GW. At Donald Trump’s wedding. ps check out bill hand on Mrs. Trump’s hip.

The End of Knowledge

WrittenDecember 14, 2016 Donald Trump has lambasted the intelligence community and stated that daily security briefings have not been a priority for his White House. “I don’t have to be told everything, you know, I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day,” […]