Tag Archives: debt

Moneyless Americans

Americans don’t have money. They have credit card debt. – James Steele – Fugitive Americans are $1.8 trillion dollars in debt to banks. If there are lucky. The average credit card interest rate in America is 24.26% after the fourth straight monthly decrease in the wake of recent Federal Reserve rate cuts. Mostly spend on […]

I’M GOOD IF YOU’RE GOOD by Peter Nolan Smith

Written March 25, 2014 Opening a jewelry store in the Plaza Hotel seemed like a good idea in the Spring of 2009. I was dead broke after my arrest in Thailand for copyright infringement and my wife Mam was pregnant with our son. The Plaza was one of New York’s premier destinations. Wealth was in […]

International Write Off Day # 3

Written May 2, 2012 My first credit card came via Mrs. Carolina. 1995. “It’s an American Express for emergencies.” The blonde golfer loved the way I kissed and she visited me once a month in New York. Ms. Carolina told her husband that I was gay. His believing her mapped a faultline in my masculinity. […]