Tag Archives: CIA

We Don’t Torture

Barack Obama’s administration has angered opponents of torture with the refusal to release compromising photos of the military abusing prisoners. The Pentagon campaigned the White House on the grounds that these photos could endanger US Troops. They obviously involve more than waterboarding, despite the Bush regime’s longstanding claim that they never exceeded the bounds of […]

Air America Website

Some airlines are known for their service, others for their stewardess, and a few of death-defying rides, but Air America is renown for their clandestine service from Thailand to Laos. No stops in between for the seceret war run by the CIA and someone has come up with a website filled with jpegs of that era […]

Ted Kennedy Survives Helicopter Ride

Ted Kennedy was hospitalized for a seizure this weekend. The senior senator was helicoptered to Mass General Hospital where he remains in stable condition. This brush with near-death was not his first and far from as famous as the Chappaquiddick Bridge incident, which resulted in the drowning death of of his late brother’s secretary, Mary […]