Tag Archives: christmas party

THE APARTMENT by Billy Wilder – 2014

Billy Wilder has directed several of my favorite films; SUNSET BOULEVARD and SOME LIKE IT HOT, however my favorite remains THE APARTMENT 1960 with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine and co-starring Fred McMurray as the caddish executive. I hated McMurray for mistreating Shirley MacLaine’s character, Fran, so much that I never watched his TV show […]

Her Royal Humbug

Ebenezer Scrooge infamously declared his opinion of Christmas in Charles Dickens’ A CHRISTMAS CAROL with the immortal words, “Bah humbug.” Typically portrayed as a banker, loan shark or lawyer, Scrooge’s name is synonymous with miserdom, although Queen Elizabeth II entered the anti-holiday ‘bah humbug’ by canceling Buckingham Palace’s annual Christmas party. The event was paid […]