Tag Archives: brooklyn

THE CALL OF WILD by Peter Nolan Smith

My life was once ruled by the night. I haunted concerts, bars, clubs, and parties from dusk to dawn from the 60s into the 90s. My retirement occurred around the turn of the century and the birth of my children completed the process, for I feared the Chris Rock’s curse of being the oldest man […]

Gowanus Wonders

The mighty and mysterious Gowanus Canal. Subway tracks. The high view. The Bridges. Big truck. Side channel. Trash. The bridge. Angles. Lost under the bridge. Empty road. Red wall.

ATLANTIC SLAPDOWN by Peter Nolan Smith

Last Saturday afternoon the streets of Brooklyn sweltered in the sultry August heat and my landlord invited me to join a family excursion to the beach. I had only swam in the ocean twice all summer, so my answer was quick and to the point. “Gimme five minutes.” I ran upstairs and changed into my […]

A Night Without Northen Lights

From my roof I sought the northern lights The moon shone silver in the clear night keeping the aurora borealis out of sight banning the promised show from a city too bright. clouds soon blanketed the heavens with a soft white disappointed I descended from the the roof’s heights to my room and drink beer […]

55 REMSEN by Peter Nolan Smith

In the fall of 1975 I worked as a substitute teacher at South Boston High School. The city’s school system was torn by busing riots. Poor white kids attended school in poor black neighborhoods and vice versa. No one went to classes, unless the TV crews showed up to interview a politician, then the white […]