Tag Archives: brooklyn


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Holiday Neighbors

A friend complained about her neighbor’s busying up her Memorial Day Holiday. “Ok…I’m trying not to be too pissed off, but my neighbor who has been home all weekend has decided to harass me more by mowing his lawn starting at 8:30 am on a holiday ! What is even worse is that he has […]

Halfway Around the World

The first recorded circumnavigation of the world was completed by Magellan’s fleet in 1522. The Portuguese explorer’s trip ended in a bloody beach battle in the Philippines. Of the five ships and 237 men only 18 survived this epic journey thank to the captaincy of Juan Sebastián Elcano. His name is forgotten by the masses, […]

Cold As A Dog’s Tongue

Today 120 in Death Valley. 98 in Brooklyn. Ice cream stick in my hand. A glob of vanilla falls on my foot. Cold spreads on my skin Like frost from a hole in an Inuit’s boot Cold, but not close to zero in winter. And then the cold melts above freezing. A dog looks at […]

Long Weekend

Labor Day was established to commemorate the deaths of Pullman Train Strikers at the hands of the federal government. This history has faded from the collective memory of America and the country now celebrates the holiday as the end of summer with BBQs, mass exoduses to the beach and mountains, drunk driving contests, and country […]