Tag Archives: brooklyn

Doing Good For Good

Neil and I have been friends since 1970. We met at European History pre-1500 History while attending Boston College. Both of us were hippies. Our lives were dedicated to the greater good of humanity and over the years we have often discussed whether we do good to do good or do good in order to […]


Written Sep 24, 2010 Midtown traffic was snarled by the security measures protecting foreign dignitaries from any harm during the annual UN General Assembly. Crosstown streets were closed east of 5th Avenue and the beeping tentacles of the congestion packed Madison Avenue. My bus took twenty minutes to cover ten blocks. I was late for […]

WANTED MAN by Peter Nolan Smith

Staten Island was formed by the melt-off of the Ice Age. The fifth borough doesn’t exist to most New Yorkers, but my doctor lived next to the Tibetan Museum on Lighthouse Hill. Nick and I attended the same college and every year he invited me out to his house for my annual medical examination. Last […]

Who Be Old

My doctor wrote “…is an elderly man.” Elderly! Elderly!! Elderly!!!Be I’ve been called ‘sir’ I have been called ‘old man’ Young latinos call me ‘Papi’ Okay Not so okay But elderly??? Yeah I am what I is An elderly old man But my eyes have improved to the point Where I see what we have […]


Laying on one of Fort Greene’s Shady Groves The afternoon Not quiet Hammering from a construction site, Sirens, The rumble of Brooklyn A mumbled conversation of two young women The chirp of two grakels a distant dump truck dropping its load. Another conversation High-pitched. I can make out phrases The two young people are not […]