Tag Archives: brooklyn

WANTED MAN by Peter Nolan Smith

Staten Island was formed by the melt-off of the Ice Age. The fifth borough doesn’t exist to most New Yorkers, but my doctor lived next to the Tibetan Museum on Lighthouse Hill. Nick and I attended the same college and every year he invited me out to his house for my annual medical examination. Last […]

Who Be Old

My doctor wrote “…is an elderly man.” Elderly! Elderly!! Elderly!!!Be I’ve been called ‘sir’ I have been called ‘old man’ Young latinos call me ‘Papi’ Okay Not so okay But elderly??? Yeah I am what I is An elderly old man But my eyes have improved to the point Where I see what we have […]


Laying on one of Fort Greene’s Shady Groves The afternoon Not quiet Hammering from a construction site, Sirens, The rumble of Brooklyn A mumbled conversation of two young women The chirp of two grakels a distant dump truck dropping its load. Another conversation High-pitched. I can make out phrases The two young people are not […]


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Holiday Neighbors

A friend complained about her neighbor’s busying up her Memorial Day Holiday. “Ok…I’m trying not to be too pissed off, but my neighbor who has been home all weekend has decided to harass me more by mowing his lawn starting at 8:30 am on a holiday ! What is even worse is that he has […]