Tag Archives: boston

PROM QUEENS CRY by Peter Nolan Smith

Few loves are more true than that of a high school sweetheart. Sophomore sessions of kissing on sofa were upgraded to petting during junior year and pledges of eternal devotion for the final year of high school. I was lucky enough to find myself in such a situation in the Spring of 1970. Kyla Rotta […]

Deaf Girl

My friend’s sister was deaf. I liked how Nancy danced funny to the beat that she could feel on her skin. One day she came back from deaf school taught by nuns. I asked her what was wrong. I couldn’t sign, but Nancy told me a horrible story. We went to the police. They said […]

Donnie Ward of the 1270

The 1270s was a decade of turmoil throughout the known world of the Christians, Muslims, and Mongols, but the number 1270 for members of Boston’s gay community was revered, for the city’s best dance nightclub was the 1270 on Boylston Street near Fenway Park. I was introduced to the duplex of disco by a passenger […]

Whales for Sale USA

Back in 2007 two humpback whales became befuddled by the backwash of mobile phones in San Francisco Bay and swam seventy miles up the Sacramento River. Oceanologists failed to seduce the errant sea mammals to the open sea with love sirens from other whales and Japanese researchers offered to lend California marine biologists a sonar […]

Wernersville Home For Wayward Boys

The Boston photographer Bobby Busnach posted this entry on FB Wow this was a small part of wernersville state hospital, which was on a large grounds with maybe 9 old huge buildings with tunnels underneath that connected the buildings. the three shots of a building with a 9 sign on them was the young adult […]