Tag Archives: boston

Golden Gate Suicide Net Update

The Golden Gate Bridge has been a magnet for suicide since its construction with over 2000 fatal leaps having been record since its opening in 1937. Every two weeks someone jumps from the legendary span. Only one person, a woman has jumped twice. She was successful on her second attempt. There has been no safety […]

BAD CROSSING by Peter Nolan Smith

My college tuition in 1973 was $2000 for the year. I hacked a cab for Boston Taxi to support myself. Our garage was next to the old Boston Arena. If a driver booked more than $100 a night, the payout jumped from 45/55 to 50/50. My classmate Hank Watson and I were the top earners […]

Blizzard of 77 Slideshow

After the last big storm residents of the Upper East Side complained about snow removal. The new mayor replied that they received the smae service as any communities in the five boroughs. The filthy rich immediately accused DeBlasio of class warfare. Today a fierce storm descended on New York City. By noon over eight inches […]

DEMO DERBY REDUX by Peter Nolan Smith

Last August I weekended in Montauk with Richie Boy. As we left his bungalow off Ditch Plains, the diamond dealer handed me the keys to his Mercedes SUV. “You drive into the city.” The two of us had had a long night at the Liar’s Bar in Montauk. “You sure you want me to drive.” […]

BAD BOY DRIVING by Peter Nolan Smith

In the fall of 1973 my college comrade Paul Deseret and I worked at the Hi-Hat Lounge in Brighton. The pay for busboys wasn’t much, but the girls were young, the drinks were cheap, and we could sell quaaludes and mescaline at the bar. Neither of them were the best available in Boston, but we […]