Tag Archives: bolivia

Morte A Coca Cola

Coca-Cola is the world’s most famous brand. Its sodas are sold in more than 200 countries and the corporation is a big sponsor of the 2012 London Olympics, but this week Bolivia announced that Coa-Cola will not be available after the end of the Mayan calendar. “December 21 of 2012 will be the end of […]

The Renewal of the New World

The other night I sat through a speech of Evo Morales, the Bolivian president. He spoke in Spanish. His native language is that of the indigenous people of his landlocked nation. Quechua or Aymara. As a child Evo worked communal field where property belong to the village. He supports Socialism as the only social system […]


Dennis Hopper, the outlaw actor/director/painter/fiend passed away from this world. His film career spanned decades from the 50s to the 21st Century. EASY RIDER created a genius and universal Studio bankrolled THE LAST MOVIE with a million dollars. Big money in 1970. Hopper was given free rein for his movie and he directed a film […]

No Shame TV

Blood always leads the front page and this tradition has been honored by TV journalist and those of the internet. There is usually a limit. Tragedies are broadcast at a distance to save the victims and their families sorrow, however Bolivia TV stepped way over the line of decency by showing a videotape of four […]