Tag Archives: blizzard

Good Sledding

TV newscasters warned viewers of Snowstorm Nemo’s danger throughout the end of the week. Families stocked up on provisions and elected officials prepared their states, cities, and town for the worst. After we shut the safe, Richie Boy asked if I wanted to sport-drink with him down in Battery Park City. “My wife’s in Florida, […]

Snow Ball

The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. – Doug Larson I have thrown snowballs during each snowfall in New York this year. There have been two. My age is only a date. In my head I’m 15. Winter, spring, summer or fall.

Head Rolling in the Snow

The most vicious movie ever filmed in the winter had to be FARGO by Coen Brothers. Critics portrayed the flick as a dark comedy about a kidnapping gone bad in the frozen wasteland of North Dakota. A place few Americans have ever visited. Murder, betrayal, horrifying body disposal and dialogues marked by huffs of icy […]

End of Moneyless Utopia

My daughter was born seven years ago on New Year’s Day. My son will be two and a half. My two step-children are still under ten. I love them all and reacted immediately to their mothers’ request for money by tramping through the snowdrifts of Brooklyn to the nearest Duane Reade to send money. “Couldn’t […]

No Snow 2010

Politicians are so strange that they actually believe what they tell the public as in the case of Moscow’s mayor, who said he would hire the Russia Air Force to seed storm clouds with cement powder, dry ice or silver iodide to prevent any frozen precipitation during the winter months. Having once attempted to reverse […]