Tag Archives: bet on crazy

The Bliss of Fake Bling

Tiffany’s on 5th Avenue has a very special return policy for its jewelry. “Go down to 47th Street to sell it.” Many other people seek to transform jewelry into cash on the busy block between 5th And 6th Avenues. Some are in possession of estates or family heirloom. A few are thieves, but many are […]

Chuck Norris Ain’t Shit

The other day a young woman entered our diamond exchange to sell a diamond ring. I examined the goods. The stones were poor quality, but I saw about $500 in it. “Come with me.” I sherried her over to my friend. Eddie needed the business and I owed him $200 from a sale in early […]

RED HOT RED / Bet On Crazy by Peter Nolan Smith

Several years ago I was sitting with a mystical friend at Frank’s Lounge, watching the end of the Jets-Colts playoff game. Rooting for the New York team surprised Wilson. He knew my life-long ties to Boston and I told him. “If the Jets win, we get to beat them again and other than winning the […]

The Xmas Drunk

Last holiday season I had a great part-time job being invited to office parties as the Christmas Drunk. $500 an appearance and all I could drink. Bad behavior was a must. Insulting the boss was a showstopper. Punching out the hated brother-in-law was most requested extra. $100/punch. Insulting a wife’s obesity was a secret request […]

SMASHING KNIVES by Peter Nolan Smith

In the Greater Depression the employment opportunities for a man my age were limited in New York City. A younger man would perform the job for a third of the wage, however my absolute willingness to work overcame most obstacles and for the past two months I have labored on the black market at a […]