Tag Archives: bet on crazy

WANDERLUST by Peter Nolan Smith

The 60s were a time of rebellion. My father was straight. I was a hippie. His politics and mine were in conflict for most of our lives and I swore that I would not be my father. He was no fan of my lifestyle. We were worlds apart from the 60s into the 90s. A […]

Back In The Land Of the Ice And Snow

My flight from Incheon Korea lasted over 13 hours. Our landing at JFK was delayed by an hour. The airport was only operating one runaway. Snow plows were still working to unbury the other runways after a 19″ snowstorm. During the final approach I stared out the window at the ground. Most of the major […]

Make Nice to a Piece of Shit BET ON CRAZY

47th Street is a closed community. Everyone knows each other. If you say something about someone to somebody else, you can be sure whatever you said will be filter through several layers to come out much worse than what you had originally had stated to the first person. Best in most cases to say nothing, […]