Tag Archives: beauty

You Bet I Would # 1932

A photo from the collection of Belgian/Indonesian painter Adrien Jean le Mayeur. The artist arrived in Bali by ship in 1932. According to Wikipedia he then stayed in Denpasar Le Mayeur and was fascinated by what remained then of Balinese culture, including the Balinese people’s traditional way of life, the temple rituals and local dances. […]

Lily’s Time Out

When you’re bad, you go to the sin bin. Even Lily. A blonde as pure as snow and a bad girl in good light. This postcard from the 1920s served as an inspiration to many like Lily Bayliss for Pete Townsend’s first power pop hit. To hear the Who’s PICTURES OF LILY please go to […]

You Bet I Would / Chador

Base Thoughts

Peace From Gwenest of Gwens

Billy and Sara O’s daughter is back from college. She has the right attitude. Peace on Earth.