Tag Archives: bali


My first trip to Bali was in 1990. Kuta Beach was the island’s most popular tourist destination for sea, sun, and fun. Being a pseudo-intellectual I opted for Ubud, an idyllic village of Legong dancers, ornate temples, and non-disco evenings. I rented a small house off the Monkey Forest Road surrounded by verdant rice paddies. […]

Montauk # 29

Autumn morning 2024 Again Ditch Plains Off-shore easterly Surfers on a chest-high swell Seagulls skating the crest A bright sun No sunglasses Squint Richie Boy thinking Work or surf___ A fishing boat chugging to harbor At least twenty aged surf bums On the break___ We On the beach Richie Boy A friend for almost fifty […]

Legong Dancing Ubud Bali 1990

No More Peace For Christmas

On Friday the truce between Hammas and the IDF ended with an intense aerial bombardment by Israeli F-16 with little regard for civilians in the Gaza ghetto. The IDF ordered Palestinians to vacate the North to the Strip to South increasing the population density to 13,000 per square kilometers. Leaflets accompanied the attacks telling the […]

THE BEAUTY OF BALI by Peter Nolan Smith

Back in the 90s I developed an annual routine of working seven days a week at the diamond exchange during the Christmas season. The weekly income and commission from the sales provided enough money for a 5-6 month hiatus in Asia and my yearly bonus paid for the around-the-world flight. Once Richie Boy and his […]