Tag Archives: Arthur Lee


In 2002 I caught two shows on Arthur Lee in Brooklyn I was with Andrew Pollock from Andrix and Ivan Julian from the Voidoids We sang to each song. Everyone in the audience sang to every song. With each stanza, with each chorus, with each word we realized how much we loved LOVE. And this […]

BLACK BEAUTY / Arthur Lee’s lost LP from 1973

The name Arthur Lee rebounded back to life this week with High Moon Records’ announcement that his lost album Black Beauty will emerge from bootleg glory as a new release this summer. Love will once more be alive and Arthur Lee risen from the grave. The founder of Love started the band in 1965. Hollywood […]

Forever Changes Arthur Lee RIP

I’m listening to Love’s LITTLE RED BOOK (written by Burt Bacharach) having learned from the BBC News that Arthur Lee passed away yesterday in Memphis. I am a child of the 60s. A hippie punk. Not a Deadhead. Love was our group. He was the ‘black hippie’. Maybe Love would have been more of a […]