Tag Archives: almost a dead man

Opening paragraphs of ALMOST A DEAD MAN

Hamburg 1982 The scurry of claws across the filthy floor startled the woman on the battered chair and she lifted her black stiletto heels in horror. Rats were the least of her problems. Over the phone her lover had suggested a nocturnal rendezvous on Kaiserkai. No one came to Hamburg’s harbor at night. The woman […]

Lady Snowblood (1973) 修羅雪姫 – Movie Trailer – Far East Films

From ALMOST A DEAD MAN The casino at Hamburg’s Hotel-Intercontinental was quiet on weekday afternoons. The only action was a solo woman at the roulette table and a Japanese businessman playing baccarat. The head executive in a Savile Row suits displayed no emotion, as his fingers slashed down like samurai sword to take a hit. […]

American Friend – 1976 – Wim Wenders

Last night I watched Wim Wenders AMERICAN FRIEND 1976. I hadn’t seen it in almost a half- century. Six years later as a semi -fugitive from New York I ended up there working at. nightclub BSIRs. Back then the DJ Henri Flesh and I roamed the city looking for the film’s locations. I’m presently rewriting […]


Howling sirens drove the panicked East Villagers into the Astor Place Subway. Most failed to pierce the scrum at the head of the stairs to the station and they raised their eyes to the speck falling to Earth. A white flash vaporized New York into the ionosphere. “DOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAA.” The subhuman scream ping-ponged up the canyon […]

Almost A Dead Man – Chapter 1

ONE The damp scurry of claws across the floor startled the woman on the battered chair and she lifted her black stiletto heels in horror. Rats were the least of her problems. Over the phone her lover had suggested a nocturnal rendezvous in Hamburg’s harbor district. The woman had expected rough sex. Instead two men […]